Formerly known with the full name of Middlebelt Flynn-Somerset Durranis, it is rumored that he was the first Pleiadian who ended up forming on earth as a human instead of Krymshar. Even worse, he was unaware of his Radiance until a devastating situation happened to him.

As a normal human with no recollection of his Presence after the Absolute Creation, Middlebelt was a normal human bus driver on Earth. Suddenly, his bus was attacked by demonic beings and he had no way to attack back. He was saved by some heroes but he still had a lot of his confidence in life almost taken away. Middlebelt went on to different realms and found a realm where he can try to prove himself. He began by being trained in magical fighting, and had won many battles. A huge blow to his confidence came when he had lost a title that he coveted to a rival known as Rick Saint Cloude. With that, Middlebelt's dreams came to a halt, and did, so did that realm's existence.

Middlebelt lost the title, but ended up gaining some magical abilities - mainly energy blasts, teleportation, and healing. He traversed through many realms to try to regain the lost self-confidence. At first he had went around doing more battles. He eventually went into a realm known as Tenshadows, where he continue to persue more of his inner presence, and ended up in a magical group known as the Orr'Tael, where he became a Planeswalker of Light. Unfortunately, even with the further developed powers, things only got worse along the way, as it seemed like he was more alienated than anything - most of the wars happened and it seemed like they only wanted the more recognized heroes in those realms.

He literally was in a state of depression, and mainly kept to himself.

During a meditation, he was pulled into a portal and met a certain planeswalker known as Dark Mayjay. There Dark Mayjay led Middlebelt on various adventures which made it seemed like he was the only one that can save them. Although Middlebelt did not believe he could save them, of course, Dark Mayjay motivated him that "only his power can save this realm". Middlebelt would go on to use his various magical energies in various ways, from healing planets to destroying them. Eventually this developed more of his powers into a cosmic radiance, which showed more and more as he delved into many different realms. This ultimately led him to his divine Radiance known as the Magickstar, or what is now known as the Living Power. With his very Radiance unearthed, his abilities were magnified and he attuned to powers on a cosmic scale. His motivation became more defined as he continued his adventures with Dark Mayjay, mainly as a being of destruction who can still heal and warp reality when needed to.

Another devastating thing happened - when he was waiting for Dark Mayjay for he was itching for an adventure. Another figure who knew Dark Mayjay told that he had gone into the Spiritual Realms and never to return. When he and Mayjay met, he said he could not help anymore. That majorly disheartened him.

Another attempt into the Tenshadows Realm and things instead got progressively worse.

But the wars have ended and now, most of the Tenshadows Elders, finally recognizes him although it is too late because all of the wars and battles have come and gone. Tenshadows is a nearly bare realm...

Now, known as just Flynn Durranis, he still traverses various realms to quench his thirst to unleash his power, which his quest is more defined within as he knows what he wants to do and how he wants to do it. He has met various people in his travels, including one who guides him on adventures, as Flynn can be pretty much a living weapon and can be commanded to open fire, if motivated the right way. His confidence and mood is still a roller coaster and is still far lower than his stature, but there is a sure-fire way to motivate him. Once he feels he can do what is needed, and when he transforms into his very cosmic essence, there is almost no stopping him. He has - albeit at first reluctant - taken his place in the Realization that he is the Pleiadian Creator, and that the presence known as the Living Power is the true source of the Pleiadian lore.

Flynn stands - in his humanlike self - at 101 inches tall. That's a ridiculous 8 feet, 5 inches tall! He is an aromantic asexual. Unlike the normal humans, he has no genitals. Neither he nor any of the other Pleiadians involve in romantic or sexual encounters because it is impossible. Flynn, when in modern lands, normally does two things - either as a normal bus driver (something that he has not given up on - yet), or as a chief aviator/stunt pilot. Flynn resides in two places - in his recreated city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - or at the Templer of Eternity in a dimension different from the current reality.

The one thing that stands between Flynn and his nigh omnipotent Radiance is his self-confidence. After all of the drama, alienation, and ridicule he had been through, it makes it very hard to believe in oneself because of the feel that something will go wrong and that more of the ridicule and alienation will come back again. Hence why there is a VERY SPECIFIC way to motivate him. Only 2 people known how to do that. Even through all of this, Flynn is still rather resilient enough to get through things. The people that motivate him to show his power is the whole reason for Flynn to be as resilient of his existence as he could have done into the way of Dark Mayjay a long time ago. But then again, someone needed to keep the Lore in tact.

"Sometimes you have to find your way in order to attune to your heart, even if it means being alienated by the rest of the universe. Instead of attuning to the hearts of this universe, create your own universe. Then you CAN'T be alienated." -Flynn Durranis

The Living Power is said to be pretty much the Pleiadian Source - the one who created the Pleiadian Lore in the beginning to existence. It is said that the Living Power is the cosmic Radiance of the former lost Pleiadian known as Flynn Durranis. His cosmic Radiance was dormant after his manifestation on Earth. It was first known as the Magickstar, the celestial radiance that came out of Flynn when he was in various high power adventures with Dark Mayjay. Each day of the Realization, more and more power unearthed from the thunderous essence until he found out of the near universal scale of his powers. Of the immense abilities and powers, there is one which brings him peace. Several people knew, but now it is only 4.

Although no one person has seen him demonstrate all of these powers, by the sheer magnitude of his presence, the Living Power's list consists of, but not limited to:
-Flight (FTL)
-Super Strength
-Cosmic Manipulation
-Cosmic Awareness
-Elemental Manipulation
-Energy Manipulation
-Energy Blast / Beam Emission
-Spatial Manipulation
-Gravity Control
-Time Travel
-Time Manipulation
-Astral Projection
-Reality Manipulation
-Weather Control

The most noted powers are his divine powers of destruction, along with his energy blasts and beam emissions. That and the fact that he is a body of power, he can use almost any and all energy that he controls to unleash powerful laser blasts capable of wiping out entire armies or even entire solar systems with just one beam.

Even with his immense power, the Living Power is not entirely omnipotent. When he is motivated it may seem like he is.

It is rumored, however that there is an absolutely powerful form of the Living Power which takes his powers to a nearly omnipotent level and well beyond a universal scale. Not a lot of details have been given but will be when this form awakens.


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